Representation theory seminar 2019 Semester 2

Organisers: Peter McNamara, Kari Vilonen, Ting Xue

Topics: p-adic groups, their representations and the local Langlands conjecture.

Time: Tuesdays 1:15-3:15 pm

Location: Peter Hall Building Room 107


Nov. 12,  Kari Vilonen: More on local Langlands for tori. Notes

Ting Xue: Classification of simple classical groups over p-adic fields. Notes

Nov. 5,  Kari Vilonen: Remarks on local Langlands for tori. Notes

Oct. 29,  Ting Xue: Kaletha’s parametrization of regular supercuspidal representations. Notes

Oct. 22,  Peter McNamara: Buildings of p-adic groups. Notes

Oct. 15, Arun Ram: Bruhat-Tits building. Notes

Oct. 8,  Peter McNamara: Realising representations of p-adic groups as local components of global representations. Notes

Sep. 10 and 17, Chenyan Wu: Local Langlands correpsondence for GL(2). Notes

Aug. 27 and Sep. 3,  Christian Haesemeyer: Number theoretic background. Notes

Aug. 20,  Matt Emerton (U Chicago): Overview. Notes

Aug. 13,  Alex Ghitza: Smooth representations of p-adic groups. Notes

Aug. 6,  Peter McNamara: Examples of representations of p-adic GL_n. Notes

July 30,  Kari Vilonen: Background and beginning remarks. Notes